Dansk Indisk Forening
Dansk Indisk Forening blev grundlagt i1948 i København.
Etableringen var en naturlig følge af, at Indien året før
var blevet en selvstændig stat med deraf fornyet
interesse for landet og dets kultur.
The Danish Indian Society was founded in 1948 in Copenhagen
as a consequence of Indian independence in 1947,
which caused renewed interest in India and its culture.
Formål / virke
Foreningen, der har hjemsted i København, har ifølge vedtægterne til formål at fremme og formidle samkvem og forbindelse mellem Danmark og Indien ved at informere danskere og indere om kulturelle emner.
Foreningen er upolitisk.
Som medlemmer kan optages danske og indiske statsborgere samt organisationer og institutioner. Enkeltpersoner af anden nationalitet end indisk og dansk, men med interesse for foreningens arbejde, kan ligeledes optages som medlemmer.
Foreningens aktiviteter omfatter blandt andet foredragsaftener, kulturelle arrangementer, medlemsmøder og festligheder. Som eksempler herpå kan specielt fremhæves Mahatmas 100 års fødselsdag med stor fest på Børsen i 1968, og parlamentsmedlem Khushwant Singhs besøg i 1988, Pandit Jawalharlal Nehrus 100 års fødselsdag i 1989. Foreningens 70 års jubilæum i 2018.
Foreningen var endvidere repræsenteret ved modtagelsen af premierministrene Jawaharlal Nehru og Indira Ghandhi under deres officielle besøg i henholdsvis 1957 og 1983.
De nævnte arrangementer har været koncentreret til København. Der gøres en indsats for at inddrage medlemmer uden for hovedstaden i foreningens virke.
Dansk Indisk Forenings historie
Dansk Indisk Forening blev grundlagt i 1948 i København. Etableringen var en naturlig følge af, at Indien året før var blevet en selvstændig stat med deraf fornyet interesse for landet og dets kultur.
Blandt foreningens stiftere var indolog professor P. Tuxen, økonomi professor, dr. phil. Wolmer Clemmesen og forretningsmanden Victor B. Strand, som alle tre senere beklædte formandsposten i foreningen. Endvidere deltog Ellen Hørup, som i trediverne var drivkraften bag “Indiens venner”. Ellen Hørup havde sammen med missionæren E. Føring besøgt Mahatma Gandhis ashram i Indien.
Fra starten havde Dansk Indisk Forening den tosidede målsætning at virke for samarbejde og samkvem mellem Danmark og Indien – kulturelt såvel som handelsmæssigt og økonomisk.
Med årene blev handelsforbindelserne lagt i etablerede rammer, og i 60’erne og 70’erne ændredes foreningens hovedinteresse for til udviklingsarbejde, som f.eks. Mysore-projektet.
Efter i de første år at have udfyldt en pionerfunktion i forholdet mellem de to lande, koncentrerer Dansk Indisk Forening sig i dag om oplysning om Indien og om at være et mødested for danskere og indere, ofte under festlige former.
Objektives / Activities
The Society is situated in Copenhagen and according to its bylaws the purpose is to encourage and promote the understanding between Danes and Indians, especially with regard to culture.
The Society is non-political.
Danish and Indian citizens, as well as organizations and institutions, can obtain membership. Individuals of other nationality, but with interest in the Society, may obtain membership.
Activities of the society include lecture evenings, cultural arrangements, members meetings, and celebrations with Indian dance and music performances on Indian national holidays.
Other arrangements have been prompted by special event, such as Mahatma Gandhi’s centenary in 1968 with a big party at Børsen. In1988 by Famous and ex-member of Parliament Mr. Khushwant Singh and commemoration of Pandit Jawarlal Nehru’s centenary in1989 and The Society’s 70th anniversary in 2018.
The Society also had the honour of welcoming the prime ministers, Jawaharlal Nehru in 1957, and Mrs. Indira Gandhi in1983during their official visits to Denmark.
The Society’s activities are centered in Copenhagen. Efforts are being made to involve members outside the capital in the Society.
Meet Interesting People
in a Fascinating Danish – Indian Environment
As a member of the Danish Indian Society you will have the chance to participate in many interesting festive and cultural arrangements being held in the Society. And you will, in informal surroundings, improve your knowledge of a foreign culture, religion – and gastronomy.
History of the Danish Indian Society
The Danish Indian Society was founded in 1948 in Copenhagen as a consequence og Indian independence in 1947, which caused renewed interest in India and its culture.
Among the founders of the Society were the Indology Professor P. Tuxen, the economics professor, dr. phil. Wolmer Clemmesen, and businessman Mr. Victor B. Strand – all were later elected chairman of the Society. Another founder was Miss Ellen Hørup – the strongly motivating force behind “Friends of India” in the thirties. Miss Ellen Hørup had earlier visited Mahatma Gandhi’s ashram in India together with Miss E. Føring, the well-known missionary.
From the very beginning the Danish Indian Society had the twofold aim of encouraging cultural as well as commercial and economic co-operation between Denmark and India.
As the years passed, commercial relations between India and Denmark assumed an established form. In the sixties and seventies the main focus of interest of the Society accordingly changed to development co-operation, such as the Mysore project.
Having undertaken a pioneering function in developing the relations between the two countries, the Danish Indian Society now concentrates on disseminating information on India and on being a meeting place for Danes and Indians, often on festive occasions.